Summary: Each project/team is assigned a general manager (GM). Funding will be coordinated with commodore and flexchapman in order to discuss the budget. Each GM for each project/team is given a bounty budget per season. Each general manager decides on how to utilize bounty budget to fulfill the goals of the organization.

📖 Glossary

bounty - a task given by general managers aligned to the goals of Krause House open to anyone with a corresponding reward/incentive once fulfilled

bounty budget - allocated amount of monetary supply for a project/team to be managed by the general manager

general manager - project head/lead; in charge of setting goals for a project or team. Is responsible for giving bounties.

🎯 Responsibilities of a General Manager

  1. Lead a project/team
  2. Coordinate with Krause House governance as representatives of each project or team
  3. Responsible for updating Krause House governance on the status of project they represent
  4. Responsible for ensuring that a project is aligned with the Krause House mission and vision
  5. Responsible for ensuring a project's success
  6. Responsible for managing the allocated bounty budget and;
  7. Responsible for ensuring that given bounties are necessary and beneficial to the organization

🏗️ Structure

Proposed non-hierarchal structure for Krause House project management

Proposed non-hierarchal structure for Krause House project management

A group of General Managers is established as the coordinator group. General managers set up routine check-ups to deliver updates regarding project progress or hindrances. The coordinator group reports to the governance to realign.

General managers coordinate with their own micro-communities to propose bounties and establish working sessions.


Create a separate channel only GMs have access to. GMs post bounty proposals and governance members vote with a check mark (✅) emoji reaction.